Thursday, 20 October 2011


21 students with 4 teachers and an expert!  
Today saw the first day of data collection - we were looking at the quality of life in El Raval and how flagship projects help to regenerate urban areas.  Amanjot found Zone 4 really interesting because it showed a real contrast with Zone 3. Saif found the whole experience of observing and recording his impressions systematically really invaluable.

It's now 5:45 pm and we are waiting for our evening session to start... Geography field trips may look like fun... but we do work hard!!!

Tomorrow its the beach!

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

September Stars

Every month the Geography department will nominate a student from each KS3 class to be a 'Star of the Month'.  Students may be nominated because they have shown great improvement in geography, they produced an exceptional piece of work or for continued outstanding work.

This month the 'Stars' are as follows:

7J      Harleen Kapoor                               7P    Meera Makwana
7K     Zak Williams                                    7Q   Limusy Kondi
7L     Kush Patel                                        7R   Huda Abdi
7M                                                            7S

8J      Arjan Nagi                                       8P    Aisha Mughal
8K    Joweria Lucky                                  8Q   Jessica Bayton
8L     Nikhil Vadhera                                 8R   Pooja Gupta
8M    Ola Duma                                        8S    Aaron Chandi

9J      Anisha Sharma                                 9P   Kevin Lam
9K    Manveer Ubhi                                  9Q   Jack Phillipson
9L     Soroosh Durani                                9R   Nimrita Ubhi
9M    Corrina Parma                                 9S    Mohamad Ahmed

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Year 10s get to grips with maps in Japanese!

On Monday 26th September all year 10 GCSE geographers took part in a workshop run by the British Cartographic Society.  The challenge was to make a map to be used in the rescue effort after the Japanese earthquake in March 2011.  This was made that little bit harder by the maps being in Japanese and there being no Japanese speakers in the hall!

The workshop was a part of the London Mapping Festival which was launched in June 2011 and runs all year. The workshop team was made up of professional cartographers, who gave up a day's work to come and work with Lampton geographers.  All of the workshop facilitators were really impressed with students - commenting on how engaged they were with the tasks and how well they tackled the challenge.  The results will come through in the next couple of weeks.  Watch this space!